Thursday, August 2, 2012

Year 26: Boss Tendencies::Know Thyself


Who are you? 

I finished typing that question above and then the line to continue typing just kept staring back at me flashing, waiting for me to answer the question. A mocking “Well? Who are YOU” resonating with each flash.

Automatically when someone ask me Who am I, I respond with a confident “I am the daughter of a King, destined for great things” of course with reference to Jeremiah 29:11. {Insert Verse here}. Every morning we wake up we are reassured simply by the air of breath we took within that second. Everyone is not privileged to have seen the day, yet because Christ loves us and He knows that he is not through with us yet, we get to see yet another day.

This segment of my blog “Year 26: Boss Tendencies” will be about my chronicles of being 26 years of age and going through life. Really pursuing the facets in life I would like to change, improve, and even get rid of; things such as my finances, health, food, crafts, relationships, and more. So I figure the first post in this series should always begin at the beginning with the foundation of knowing who you are. Being able to look back at where I’ve been I can understand who I am in the present and who I would like to be in the near future.

Boss Tendencies for me is simple: becoming a lady. Everyone woman is not a lady. But every lady is a woman. There are some things that I like to hold on to which makes my life a little easier, but then again I can get a little too comfortable. For instance make-up…..not a big fan, but when I do put it on it does make a statement. I want to be able to know different ways of applying it especially for the different seasons in life.

At 26, a shy month away from my one year anniversary of graduating with my MBA in Operations, and making a major move to NY, I am tired of what seems to me no progress. However, I have learned to accept my accomplishments and strive for new goals, because I know that once I put my mind to it, it can and will happen. So let the fun begin, and I hope that you will jump on board while we ride Year 26.

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