Wednesday, July 18, 2012

26 and Counting

July 15, 2012 Dinner at Negril, NYC

Now that I have crossed over the quarter life mark I feel slight pressure to pursue my dreams harder and work towards them with a fervent spirit.

My 25th Birthday was AWESOME!!!!! and then it just went....Lately I've been feeling like I'm being complacent, but then I don't have any motivation either. I remember back in when I first moved to Texas I called up a friend and we were talking about where we were in life, and I remember mentioning that I don't have the faith that I use to have and I don't know where it went. His words to me were "Go get your faith back."

So here I am once again, but this time motivation is the one that has ran from me, and looks like I'll be reigning that in soon. Anyone, I'm done ranting, here's a recap of my Birthday weekend.

Saturday Night Pre-Celebration in Times Square, NYC

Blessed, Loved, Crazy

Asking and Believing

Miniature Photo Op

Oh and by the way.....I Celebrate ALL MONTH!


  1. You look great! Happy Belated Birthday =)

    1. Aww Thanks Sis! LOVE your blog by the way.....I silently stalk it. lol.
