Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Spring Cleaning in Fall

"I'm sorry mama, I never meant to hurt you, I never meant you cry, but tonight, I'm cleaning out closet" -Eminem

I can remember when my brother use to be hard on Eminem, he even had my mom singing this song. But for the first month of my Sabbatical that's exactly what I'm doing: cleaning out my closet. I want to dedicate my whole month of September to cleaning the "closets" in my life. Physical (Health), Mental (Mind), and Spiritual closets. By cleaning, purging, cleansing my life, I make room for God to manifest Himself all through it (my life). 

While doing devotion this week I ran across a verse from Psalm 103:12 "And as far as the sunrise is from sunset, He has separated us from our sins. Meaning He has not only forgiven us from what has hurt Him, but He has also forgotten. So stop dwelling in the past and move on. I know I use to get caught up in feeling guilty about my sins, and it was hard for me to forgive myself, but I was able to move on from that. Thank ya Jesus. 

So in cleaning out my closet, I've forgiven myself because God did it first. So September lets get to cleaning....

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

[suh-bat-i-kuh l]

Sabbatical - noun. any extended period of leave from one's customary work, especially for rest, to acquire new skills or training, etc.

Since I've started this blog, I've been trying to be consistent but honestly maintaining a blog is work in itself. So much has happened that have caused me not to be able to be consistent. In the past couple of months I...

  • Turned 25
  • Graduated with my MBA
  • Resigned from my 2-month job
  • Packed my car and moved to NY
  • Been jobless (for good reason)
  • Drove to DC
  • Spent the past 2 weekends in DC
And in between all of that so much has transpired in my mind, body and soul. So these next 3 months, I'm taking time out for God, Jesus, and I. I've deactivated my Facebook account as well as logged off twitter. During this sabbatical I will be doing my devotion by Rebecca St. James called Pure.

I've already started this devotion, and I've decided to do this, because I am in new territory, and I want to continue what I've learned in TX to continue on a deeper level. When I moved to NY I felt like fresh fish out of water, but I knew that God kept me, and I prayed that he would guide me even through this new journey. Through the devotion I will share some parts of it with weekly words or wisdom. 

During this sabbatical, I hope to get clear instruction from God as to what He would have me to do, say, be, think, etc. I really need Him, to guide me in the way I should go, He's done so much so far and I know He has far greater plans than this for me. Even now as I write this I think to reactivate my fbk, however I'll just do it on month two depending on how everything is going. My goal coming out of this is to be pure in spirit, mind, and soul (body). I really want to be an instrument that God can freely use. 

The three months begins in September-November. Also during those months I will heavily be studying for the LSAT, Knitting, Crocheting, and Bow making, and possibly anything else that would advance me to opening my boutique, as well as my health, and playing in the kitchen. I pray that I will become a better person in HIM. If you are here to take the journey with me, Welcome. My focus and reason behind it all is to really, get-away for a bit in a world where everyone is connected. This time is for me to get fed and not do the feeding. 

With Love...
The Vine

Friday, August 12, 2011

Poetry: Love

Plain and simply
Captured my heart
Stole my soul
And serenaded my spirit
Distance tried to separate the magnetism
That drew us together from the start
Time gave us individual make ups
When the moment comes for love and I
To reacquaint ourselves……think of
Plain and simply…
~ Divine Beauty

***I dibble and dabble a little bit with poetry, I'm kinda rusty, dusty and rugged, but bear with me as I get my niche back........ ***

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Under Construction

Every now and then, I believe that we should all take a step back to re-evaluate our lives. So therefore, I am stepping back to get my thoughts together so that I can produce an effective blog for the world wide web and everything in between. I want to be as transparent as life will allow me to,but will still be modest and respectful. Understand that this blog first and foremost  honors my Father God Almighty. It's simple, without Him, there would be no me nor this blog. SO....Stay tuned as I record my life for as long as I am set to do it. Prayerfully I will bring back my passion of poerty and the simple things I enjoy in life such as food, photography, traveling, crafting, arts, and new experiences. A lot has happened in the last month and I want to make sure I don't miss anything...all in all GET READY....

God + Passion......
Divine Beauty

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Testing 123....Pic edition

Using my Google Moment, I am going to see if I am able to post pics as well. This is a pic of my jewelry.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

Saturday, August 6, 2011


While at this restaurant : Windsor Cafe, my girl ask me about bloggin, so I decide to check out blogger on my moment, we'll see how this works out,
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4