Thursday, July 2, 2015


Ahhh, the good ole July has arrived. No apologies to the other months, because this is a natural occurrence. The 7th month of the year also known as the BEST MONTH EVER #BME. This year will be my last year in my twenties and I am starting it off with some tidbits and reflections on the last decade. Today's #daphbit is dedicated to adulthood and paying bills. 

As we get older, material items become futile. The best gift to me this year would be to pay off a credit card, or a simple payment on a bill. Is that too much to ask? Didn't think so. Anyways, stay tuned for more bits from me. Hope you enjoy this month as much as I will, you are always welcomed for the ride.


Monday, June 29, 2015

The Release

this place here is my release
no grammatical corrections or correlations
to the simplicity of words on paper
my current mood is upset
however trying to contain it
in the confines of my cell walls
captivated in a thick bone mass
wrapped in fluid
dressed in skin.
My mind heart won't allow my emotions
to escape and be upset
and cry
and hurt
and simply be sad.
so here I am, once again releasing
these emotions onto this here site
which I call my blog
I can't say I'm trapped, but can I?
emotionally unavailable to anyone
pretending to be strong for everyone
but who's here for me
no it's not a question, simply a mere thought
that no one can really answer
but still. . .
until I can get everything out of my head
I can't be free
I want to surrender
I need to surrender
I must surrender
. . .
To breathe
Breathe. . .
& Release
-Daphne Eugene